Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's that time of month again

That's right, time for another semi-political rant.  Well, not so much a rant as it is a requiem, really -- effective today, Jon Huntsman has officially left the race.  Even though this was to be expected (he was polling at about the margin of error), I will miss his reasonable views on global warming and climate change, his policy on working with our foreign neighbors bolstered by his experience as a diplomat, and his tendency to not say things that would otherwise antagonize or mock the general population; he simply has no pull among the Crazy demographic (incidentally, which candidate does the Tea Party support?  Or should I be asking, what's a Tea Party?).  The one thing that has left me raising my eyebrow slightly is his extending support for Romney on his exit.  I would have imagined he would have chosen not to support anyone given his relatively radical views.  Oh well.  Maybe Huntsman/Colbert 2016?

Still on the topic of politics, I was replaying some old games today when it struck me just how they are on the verge of being eerily prophetic, not directly as in their exact storyline, but in the environments they set.  Consider the opening cinema of Metal Gear Solid 4 which I feel is one of the greatest video game monologues I've seen; skipping the more fantastic elements such as nanomachinery, advanced cybernetics, and self-regeneration, paramilitary corporations (remember Blackwater aka Xe aka Academi?)  and proxy battles aren't entirely fabrications at this point.  The other example that caught me off guard was in right in the beginning of Deus Ex; the second UNATCO soldier you speak with has a speech option where he says he wonders why they don't just wipe out the NSF, wherein JC will reply with "When due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror."; my first thoughts were immediately of NDAA.  A bit further, when you interrogate the NSF leader, he says something along the lines of big corporations paying less in taxes than the assembly line workers on the floor.  I was a bit startled -- and this was a from a game that was released about 12 years ago!  Nanoaugmentations may still be a fantasy, but we may not be too far off from heading into the reality they perceived back then.

Anyway.  In other news, and because I'm listening to them right now, if anyone is in need of good weekend reading material and is familiar with the Red Hot Chili Peppers (I'm curious as to who isn't), then I recommend reading Anthony Kiedis' autobiography Scar Tissue.  It's 400+ pages detailing the life of a rockstar, but it's a quick read (though you may find, as I had, yourself taking a break if only to refresh your mind and read something that doesn't deal with Kiedis doing drugs).  Best to read while he's not old and unsightly, like Axl Rose.

Finally, a reminder that lands untouched by suburban encroachment exist:

Alaska, '06.  You can see a boat and a house nearby.  Imagine life on a private island like that, but not the kind of Hawaiian paradise that's usually associated with living on an island.


  1. It's been almost four years since MGS4 came out. Time flies. I can't say I'm surprised by Huntsman dropping out, given his polling numbers

  2. Yeah things are looking rather worrisome atm... Just hope this election goes well and someone with some smarts is elected (I highly doubt this though :P)

    Oh well, we can always move to Europe... right, right?

  3. You can only dream to live in a place like that

    Weird Funny News

  4. It's always interesting how old storylines to some games and movies crop up into the present. It should also be an interesting election for you guys, land that's untouched is rare these days too.

  5. It all just feels like a bad TV show, with every candidate as an actor..

  6. thank you for the share

  7. +1 for RHCP! :D
    Never played any MGS or Deus Ex though.

  8. Man Alaska looks beautiful! It's on my list of places to visit

  9. Im not good in your political things :P

  10. Politics just make you angry, avoid it :)

  11. I was sorry to see Huntsman go (his dad's wallet is glad though). Again really great post. You've restored my faith in blogger.

  12. Polytricks is more appropriate id say


    I went on my own political rant today.

  14. I'm still hoping Ron Paul has a chance. :(

  15. Kinda funny how you mention Deus Ex and Metalgear solid, considering Nanomachines are Kojima's Deus Ex Machina.

  16. It's a shame Huntsman left, I thought he was the least insane out of all the GOP candidates (even if he supports NDAA). I'm not surprised he spoke out to support Romney, that's probably Huntsman's way of trying to get himself a proper proper role under Romney if he manages to win.

    They'd say anything to get some sort of power.

  17. Eh politics! nooo lol beautiful pic tho!

  18. Me and my dad used to go hiking all the time up in the Allegheny mountains but we don't much anymore. It is beautiful out there!
