Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cleaning up, or; a belated yet sincere New Years resolution

Two realisations: First, much (though, not all) of my rather grim attitude can be directly attributable to my reflections on the political front.  Simply put -- it's ridiculous.  It's a joke, it's a headache, it makes you question humanity over and over, etc etc etc.  I watched a John Stewart clip the other day where he joked about indefinite detention for Americans; I couldn't even laugh at that because I was so incensed.  Yes, the politics is like a hydra wherein every terrible story or major gaffe you dismiss, several more inexplicably surface to taunt you.

Second: following the blogs of others has lead me to a (rather stupidly obvious) conclusion, one that I should have reached once I had bothered to clear the froth from my mouth -- there are more enlightening things elsewhere.  In particular, I've recently nostalgia'd pretty hard and re-exposed my roots as a gamer, which is just one avenue I could spend all day talking about.

So!  In the spirit of the New Year, I hereby profess to write less about non-headache inducing things like politics and more about the fulfilling pursuits I enjoy so much such as gaming, literature, music, health, academia and science, and documentaries.  Even just typing those out feels so much better.

Speaking of documentaries, the education-reform documentary I mentioned in another blog (but didn't remember until now) is called The Cartel.  Like Waiting for Superman, this documentary offers insight on the inner workings of school districts and the problems everyone assumes it to have (hint: the so-called lack of funding is grossly overplayed).

Another great documentary I watched earlier last week is Dive! (link to the homepage).  Without going into too much detail, this talks about just how much food is wasted, but not only in American households, but across groceries stores.  Check it out sometime -- it may even inspire you to go dumpster diving (I know I was tempted).


  1. I work in the meat department of a grocery store and it is insane how much we throw out. We have two big garbage cans, at least, everyday that we throw out. It's nuts.

  2. I look forward to reading some of your new content! Don't completely abandon your social commentary though, it's nice to see others thinking critically about the world. Following you for sure!

  3. Will definitely check out Dive!, and the other two as well. Haven't seen a good documentary in a while so looking forward to these.

  4. You can have your eyes opened by the strangest of sources. (Motivating story of time something strange happened inserted here)

  5. I know there's lots of people across the world that feed from dumpsters.

  6. Damn Dive is a real eye opener, now following!

  7. dude you have some deep stuff here, i dig it! now following

  8. Really gave me something to think about, thank you.

  9. Deep post man, great blog +follow

  10. Wow, really deeeeeeep stuff...
    Will follow you, I like your style

  11. very interesting blog man, really changed my view on things. will continue following

  12. Ha leave politics behind! Or only read about them at work... Don't let it consume your life because it easily can. I'm glad you are back into gaming. You should check out SWTOR



    You should come check out my blog if you get time!


  13. TBH I find most documentaries far too biased. It's much easier to look at a research filled website. Following.
